Lifelong in abundance

Off. Own Q. Andrawis A, 2005


As Andrawis A, (2018); has described, all people want a life in abundance without deficits. But in the course of life this desire is clouded by psychological conflicts and illnesses. These impairments have an influence on every personal development of life. With increasing pathological symptoms up to chronification, the question arises from a scientific point of view whether this process belongs to the nature of man, whether it is a matter of suppressed unconscious early childhood traumas or a dysfunctionality of the inner organisms. Further causes for inconsistencies can be lack of knowledge, mistakes in interpersonal relationships, misguided human vocation and little insight into the meaning of life (Andrawis A, (2018).
There is a horizon interpretation from the scientific disciplines of psychoneuroimmunology PNI and in psychosomatic medicine PSM to the question “why me” in case of illness. Since man is not only physically and psychically formed, but also the spirit forms the soul-body, PNI and PSM see the cause of illness in inner psychic conflicts, repressed unconscious UBW fears, insecurity or the negative processes in the interpersonal relationship and in unfulfilled lives and life goals.
The explanation of diseases from the point of view of scientific PNI and PSM stands in contrast to the view of theology and philosophy (ibid.). External factors such as radioactive radiation, bacterial-viral infections, genetic disposition and carcinogenic substances are jointly responsible for the development of diseases. In the search for explanations PSM and PNI find more causes in mental conflicts, because the human being is to be regarded holistically (ibid.).
soul and body – soul – spirit – unity
“While psychosomatic anthropology has for a long time been concerned with the body and soul problem and the interaction between mental and physical processes has been at the centre of its considerations, today the view has prevailed that illness and health are to be considered in a comprehensive bio-psycho-social model. According to this model, the interplay between body and soul, in turn, is in an interrelationship with the environment, which shapes man and which is shaped by him” (ibid.).

Man from an anthropological point of view
Man embodies the three levels physical, mental and spiritual. “Spiritual Body Soul as Unity”. Thus the human being will be considered as an individual after this unity in three areas.
If these three levels are in harmony with each other, man is balanced. If one of these levels is weakened, this leads to an imbalance and disharmony of our organism, which can lead to mental illnesses. This is about balancing the physical, mental and spiritual levels.
In order to achieve a stable psychic state, efforts should be made to live in harmony. To put into practice the important goals in our life with discipline.
We try to grasp the meaning of life. It often helps to keep one’s inner peace in life! You have to learn to let go and accept things as they are. Self-reflection, our weaknesses and our strength. To accept the Andren and ourselves as we are. To live with ourselves in peace and contentment in order to experience a loving togetherness with other people.

Existence Fears

Fig1. Own tormenting Andrawis A, (2005); The human heart is similar to a pear-shaped metaphor, If one, the whole world (the earth).
We humans want more and more. As soon as a wish is reached, the next wish is pending. We can never be saturated by the material. We believe that we are fulfilled by it, which unfortunately is not the case. Why is that actually so? The human heart is similarly pear-shaped. And the earth is round. If you put the whole world with all the material into the human heart, three corners still remain empty. These three corners can only fulfil one thing! That can only be “GOD” (Andrawis A, 2005).